Submission | How To Publish A Book
Simply fill out the Registration Form at this page or email the complete details at publish@astitvaprakashan.com. Please include your full name and a brief (4-5 sample pages) or synopsis of your book.
A short synopsis of your work (around 500 words). Or, 4-5 sample pages which can explain the Idea of your book.
It will take maximum 24-48 hours for a response. Our team will get back to you with all necessary details.
It takes around 30-45 days to publish a book including the time of all services like editing, designing, printing and delivery of copies.
We will assign a project manager for you who will be guiding throughout the complete publishing process. We will be communicating via call and emails.
It will be your choice to select the MRP of your book. However, we will give a minimum MRP based on production cost above which you can set the MRP.
Paperback Channels: Amazon, Flipkart, Bspkart, Astitva Store
Ebook Channels: Kindle, Google Books, Playstore, Kobo, iBooks, Scribed, Barnes & Nobel.
International Channel: Amazon.com
It depends upon your package. We will provide the marketing services based on the selected package.
Yes, you can schedule the release of your book as per your required date. We will release the book on that day only.
No, you don’t need to pay anything extra. We will manage the lifetime inventory at our cost only.
We will provide an online author dashboard where you can track the sales reports. You will be getting royalty on monthly basis to your bank account.
Initially we will publish it online in both paperback and ebook channels. If the online sales crosses 1000 copies, we can send proposal to offline retail stores for the offline distribution. So it all depends upon your book whether it qualifies for it or not.
No, you need to provide only MS word file only as manuscript.
Yes, you can pay the package cost in two or three installments.
We do not take any rights from our authors. All rights will remain with you only. If you need, we can provide help on Govt. Copyright Registration.
We look at content that have a strong connection to India and the Indian subcontinent. You can surely try for submission at Astitva Prakashan.
Got some more questions? Please mail us on publish@astitvaprakashan.com