Stories from Lockdown – The silver linings


By: Sheetal Engolkar

ISBN: 9789358380255

Page: 56

Price: 129

Category: FICTION / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days


About the book

It is undeniable that the Pandemic has triggered widespread hardship. But Every cloud has a silver lining, they say. ‘Stories from Lockdown’ is a collection of fictitious narratives concerning the optimism and awakenings the unforeseen lockdown brought in disguise.

About the author

Sheetal Engolkar is from the City of Pearls, Hyderabad. She is currently pursuing her post-graduation. She discovered her passion for writing when she accidentally wrote ironic lines to mock the tagline of a promotional poster. She continued to pen as she cherished the way things worked and the outcome that followed. All she intends to accomplish is weaving magic through words.


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