By:Dr. Drushti Narendrasinh Chauhan, Dr. Manu R.
Page: 91
Category:MEDICAL / Dermatology
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About the book
On the eva of the scientific progress when medical world is trying to find out a common line of treatment which can be called a national treatment of this country, Ayurved the ancient science of health and healing cannot be an exception to be tested on this touch stone. In view of the fact that several laboratories under so many experts are busy to explore the medical truth for the benefit of the suffering humanity, ayurved or the savants of Ayurved can not sit silent. As a result many books have already been written in past and are being written today to fulfil this demand. We often come across many such scientific papers published by scholars.
This books provides depth knowledge about skin diseases and its treatment through ayurvedic and herbal medicines. The important aspect of this book is that it takes care to give detail description of the herbs available in india and western countries Hence the readers in india and Western countries will find this book interesting and valuable in curing the problems of the skin diseases. It is written in simple language avoiding as far as possible difficult terms. This book is divided into four parts. Part -1 Includes brief description of anatomy and physiology of skin and about Kushtha & Dadru. Part -2 Includes brief description about tinea. Part -3 Includes rief description treatment of Dadru. & Part -4 Brief description about Pathadi Churna & Chakramarda Taila If this book helps any physician in the treatment of skin problems of a single patient, I will feel that my effort put in the preparation of this book is amply rewarded.
About the Author
Dr. Drushti Chauhan
BAMS, MD (Kayachikitsa)
She is PG scholar of department of Kayachikita, Parul Institute of Ayurved , Parul University, limda, Vadodara. She completed her graduation in 2019 from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. She has published 4 research articles in various peer reviewed & Indexed Journals. She attained many national and international levels seminars and webinars. She has completed a research project as a Co- investigator in Pandu(Iron deficiency anemia) sponcered by Dhootpapeshwar private limited. She is interested in academics, research work and innovation in internal medicine of Ayurveda to serve for nation.
Dr. Manu R.
BAMS, MD, Ph.D (Kayachikitsa)
Presently serving as Professor & HOD in Department of Kayachikitsa, Parul Institute of Ayurved , Parul University, limda, Vadodara. He graduated from SKAMC Bengaluru during 2002, Post Graduation done from AAMC & PG Centre Davangere Rajiv Gandhi University Karnataka during 2009 & Later perceived Ph.D from I.P.G.T & R.A Gujarat Ayurved University Jamnagar in 2013. He has begun the Service at Ramakrishna Ayurvedic Medical College Bengaluru, Rajiv Gandhi University Karnataka with a total 12 years of Teaching experience which includes 6 year of PG teaching & 4 Years of Ph.D guiding till date. 6 PG scholars were guided & awarded degree , whereas 4 Ph D scholars were guided effectively & awarded degree. Presently 6 PG scholars & 8 Ph D scholars are under guidance for completion. Many Research articles are published in peer reviewed, National & International Journals & received award for Service in Ayurveda, One Best Thesis award conferred in Parul University during 2020.
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