PJ Collections: Kids Drawing Book


By: Priya SK

ISBN: 9789358380415

Page: 64

Price: 899/-

Category: FICTION / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



Dear Pupil,
The drawing book is a list of pencil sketches. Few pages are outlined. Few are coloured. The author has tried her best to making the drawing easy and meaningful.
All of it is the authors own creation and ideas. Few are based on memories, inspiration by other painters, personal experience and for the sheer love of painting. Few paintings/drawings are requested by few kids from the past, friends, colleagues. Few are the drawings inspired by the photographers. None of the painting is intended to hurt any sentiments of any individuals from any demographic region, sex, religion, glamor, status, past, present or future. Few drawing/paintings are based on the theme of internet news stories, live pictures. Few are a combination of colours, ethnicities, styles of brush strokes, humour. All drawings/ paintings are for the children of this world, but not limited to just them. It is for all. If this resembles to any of your life incidents it could be a coincidence or similar experience. Enjoy your time in painting using colours and make it a leaf of life. Be part of my painting journey. Let’s spread the love of colours.
Humbly thanking you,
Your’s faithfully,
Priya SK


I, Priya SK, have been working for last 18 years in IT industry. I have had many interests in areas such as Toastmasters Speech delivery, meditation, travelling, healing and singing. Though, I used to paint and draw as a child I didn’t pursue it until recently. The time of Covid got me into exploration of my new lost skill from the past. The time that I quit my job , the time that I had for myself, the time that I had lost all my connections introduced me to the new world of friends with my paint brushes, canvas sheets., You tube songs in the background and memories.
I would be releasing all my other paintings as well very soon. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Thank you for taking time to read this note.
Thank you,
Your’s faithfully,
Priya SK


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