Time After Time


by: C.S Nag

ISBN: 9789391219963

Page: 162

PRICE: 250

Category: SCIENCE / Time

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days


About The Book
Science and spiritualism have an existential dialogue as Yamraj, the Hindu Lord of Death, makes a dramatic entry at a film shooting on a desolate seashore to explain his transcendent philosophy of eternal bliss. The re-enactment of the Kathopanisad turns into wonderful exploration of India’s age-old Vedic wisdom even as it pays tribute to its great scientists like C.V.Raman, Satyen Bose, Subramanya Chandrasekhar and others. The mind triumphs over matter as relativity and quantum physics confront such eternal questions as being and non-being and Black Hole cosmology takes us to the very origins of the universe and the riddle of consciousness. “Time after Time” is a gripping story by acclaimed author and filmmaker C.S.Nag of how our mind tries to make sense out of the chaos of our universe and our illusory existence. a life that is enriched with Peace, Contentment and a life that is loaded with HAPPINESS ALWAYS. JAYESH VASHI”

About The Author
C.S.Nag has B.S in Mass Communication from Arizona State University, B.Sc in Physics from Mumbai University and Post-Graduate Diploma in Journalism from Bhavan’s College. He has 30 years media experience in print, TV and film in India, Arabian Gulf and the U.S. His work with sitar maestro Ravi Shankar, cartoonist R.K.Laxman and movie legend Dev Anand have earned him global acclaim.


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