Dyslipidemia: Significance of Nutraceuticals as Food Components


By: Dr. Tarvinder Jeet Kaur, Ms. Ruhi Grewal

ISBN: 9789358383553

Price: 299/-

Page: 168

Category: EDUCATION / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days




Management of metabolic syndromes through the medium of nutraceuticals is extremely essential and favourable in reducing the elevated morbidity and mortality rates. Nutraceuticals succours in regulating the complication of metabolic disorders. Illuminating the significance of nutraceuticals in regulation of disease, the book “Dyslipidemia: Significance of Nutraceuticals as Food Components” highlights the incorporation of nutraceuticals or medicinal food ingredients in daily routine diet which has helped in reducing the raised lipid parameters like total cholesterol, triglyceride and other lipoprotein parameters like LDL, HDL, VLDL and non HDL cholesterol. The improvement of degraded lipid and lipoprotein parameters have scientifically been considered fruitful in managing the issue of dyslipidemia which sequentially is productive in lessening the high prevalence of cardiovascular disease. Written by Dr. Tarvinder Jeet Kaur (Professor, Department of Home Science, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra) and Ms. Ruhi Grewal (Assistant Professor, Guru Nanak Girls College, Yamuna Nagar),this book spotlights on the nutraceuticals as food components in the prevention and management of dyslipidemia. This book will be immensely worthy and informative for students, dyslipidemic patients, nutritionists and other health care professionals.



Dr. Tarvinder Jeet Kaur is a distinguished mentor and an enthusiastic academician. With a passion of promoting healthier life style, she has dedicated her career exploring the intricate relationship between diet, health and wellbeing. Her dynamic teaching style and her way of simplifying concepts leave an inedible mark on her students. She has prolific multi-dimensional career as a teacher, researcher and a resource generating spanning over 24 years. Under her superior supervision, 5 research scholars have completed their Ph.D. and currently mentoring 7 research scholars. She has number of research publications in several leading journals and is an embodiment of research excellence. Her scientific knowledge and enthusiasm has brought this book to life.

Ms. Ruhi Grewal is a mounting academician, working as an Assistant Professor and pursuing her Ph.D. in the field of metabolic disease. She is dominantly working on the management of disturbed dyslipidemic patterns among the population. Her career as a teacher and as a researcher, is assisting her to gain the knowledge and aiding her up to enlighten the minds of students to brilliance. She keenly works on therapeutic management of metabolic diseases through dietary life style modification. Her growing fineness in research field has made her win prizes in several research presentation competitions. She has published her research work in acknowledged journals. Her zeal and passion of writing the book has given this publication a novel significance.