About the book
The book KAPHAJA YONIVYAPADA CHIKITSA is very student friendly in nature as, used very simple English with help of Sanskrit references and tried my level best to give accurate information about topic kaphaja yonivyapad. Unlike other Stri Roga Vijnana books, in this book instead of dumping all reference quotes, important, popular and selected slokas are gathered, presented where ever is needed, so that readers can interpretate and understand well.
Description in detailed about Yoni,KAPH KAPHAJA YONIVYAPADA as per ayurveda & modern ,it’s samanya chikitsa,vishesh chiktsa ,pathya -Apathya.The topics are well designed to intend the student to read of a comparative study of the topic in modern Gynecology and Ayurvedic perspective there by one can assess the in-depth knowledge of our ancestors.
First preference is given for reference quotes from Charaka Samhita, Sushrita Samhita, Kashyapa,Ashtanga Sangraham , Bhavprakasha ,Yogaratnakara etc.
As per topics, presided information was collected from mod ern Gynecology books and how much is essential being an ayurvedic graduate was well decided and presented.Most of the information collected from standard reference books are referred and gathered to avoid controversy.
About the Author
Dr. Sonali P Patel
PG Scholar
Department of PG Studies in Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga
Parul University
Vadodara, Gujarat
Dr Manjusha Karkare
B.A.M.S. MD.
HOD &Professor,
Department of PG Studies in Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga
Parul Institute of Ayurveda
Parul University
Vadodara, Gujarat
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