Magazine 2023: Education At Glance After 2020 New Education Police


By: Basharat Hussain

ISBN: 9789358380132

Page:  125

Price:  250/-

Category: EDUCATION / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days




Vision of school, Magazine 2023 publish for the up lift of students in art of writing as per new education policy. After introducing new education policy 2020 in all over the country .It is our foremost duty to open young minds and empower them to bebecame global citizens who stand tall and live with courage and conviction , Carving a niche for themselves wherever they go. Provide environment for scholalistic development and grouth of students in diversity field .Entire efforts made for the development of Students on the base of literary society at around the institutions.



Basharat Hussain sr. Lecturer in History At Govt HSS boys Mendhar MA B.ed from Jammu University
Experience in education department for 15 years and having khowledge of English Urdu Arabic persian and Hindi