By:Mr. Ananda Bhagwan Varangane
Page: 104
Category:POETRY / General
Delivery Time: 7-9 Days
About the book
It is a great pleasure to present the sixth collection of poetry ‘Pallava’ to the readers. Earlier ‘Spandan’, ‘Nisarga’, ‘Mati’, ‘Nakshatra’, ‘, these five poetry collections have been published earlier. The poems received good response from the readers. While writing this anthology, I realized that poetry is simple feelings that come out of the heart. Word after word is automatically suggested, written on paper. A poem is made by writing one word, just as a beautiful garland is made by weaving one flower. Look at the following lines from the poem ‘Shabdaphule’. There is no word from where it comes Color saj levuni stand and wave aarti. I don’t know how these words come one after the other. They are not determined. When I start writing poetry, they suggest themselves. Then they come with different colors. Saaj is brought along. The beauty of poetry opens with those words. When a woman wears ornaments, her valvania is more exposed, ideally in figurative terms, Metaphors reveal the beauty of poetry. One of these ghazals has two lines – Come back to where we met Nayan anointed for those two drops Here the poet is obsessed with the lover. While living with her, she started fighting. The boyfriend wants her to be his lifelong 9
About the author
Mr. Ananda Bhagwan Varangane (Patil) Mumbai.Molkheda P.O. Savaldbara, h Soygaon Dist. Aurangabad, This. Mumbai. Bhansali Nagar, Fatehpur. Jamner . District. Jalgaon, Education – M.A. (Education), B.ed. Job- Primary Graduate Teacher G.P.U. Prof. Sha.Molkheda Pt.S.Soigaon. District.Aurangabad. Date of Birth -1/4/75
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