
by Aditya Sharma

ISBN: 9789390047192

PRICE: 110

Pages: 35

Language: English

Category: Fiction

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days





“This is an amazing story of an eleven year old girl. It deals with the chaos of night which brought drastic change in the life of a sweet little girl to which she is unknown.It is a short and crisp story has essence of what next in it…
The detailing of scenes and characters make this book alive and intresting for the readers.”

About the Author

“Aditya Sharma is a 22 years old boy. Who is a medical student and pursuing MBBS. This is his first ever short novel, though he is going to be a doctor but his passion of writing made him to write this short novel.
He is a voracious reader and loves his other work that he has done till now like he has written several poems —
Yaad si aagyi
Nanhi si jaan
Waqt , zindagi and khamoshi
After his graduation also he wants to continue his writting.”