About the Book
Life is not about how people behave with you. Life is all about how you behave with people around you. If you are changing yourself, then you are on the right path of becoming a Great Person in the coming future.
Great people listen very clearly and hence we feel they are great. Adjust our behaviours like adjusting the FM radio station to listen very clearly.
Express gratitude for what you have in your life as of now. People focus on what we do not have and hence pain takes path to enter into our life. Gratitude is the best tonic for a happy and healthy life. Express it and enjoy the life.
About the Author
The author understands the concepts of energy. The energy of the universe remains constant. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to another. In another way, we can say that energy is transferred from one person to another. Every thought is a form of energy. Positive thoughts create positive energy, and negative thoughts create negative energy. It’s our call—how to play with thoughts and ultimately energy.
The author is very curious about the understanding of how the material world has been created. He understood the importance of thoughts in the mind to create any situation or materialistic world.
The author has worked in various organizations as part of his profession and came in contact with many people to understand how thoughts affect their life. He is trained in the Alpha state of mind, Aura, Chakra, and Kundalini to achieve his best in life.
The author is a coach and practitioner of Nero Linguistic Programming (NLP) Subconscious Reimprinting.
The author has a passion to make the world a better place for individuals and to enjoy every moment of life during their stay in this world. He believes all aspects of life, whether it could be relationship, spiritual, or social, can be enjoyed by giving the right direction to thoughts and emotions.
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