Mission Friends is an action-packed tale of friendship, bravery, and patriotism, centered on seven childhood friends on a mission to uncover the truth behind their friend Prakash’s mysterious death. The story takes a thrilling twist when Prakash is revealed to be PRAM, a cyborg superhero who saves his friends and fights terrorists. Packed with emotional moments, sci-fi elements, and gripping action, the story ends with PRAM embarking on a new mission, leaving readers excited for more.
About the Author
I am Prakash Ranjan, a graphic designer with over 16 years of experience, now venturing into the world of writing. Mission Friends, my debut novel, blends imagination and life experiences to explore the battle between man and technology. The story follows Prakash, who transforms into PRAM, a cyborg on a journey of self-discovery and redemption. Through this tale, I invite you to explore themes of courage, loyalty, and resilience in the face of adversity.
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