Beyond Royalty (Hardcover)


By: Shreya Talwar

ISBN: 9789358380460

Page: 166

Price: 399

Category: Fiction / Romance / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



About the book

Is the road to romance a fairy tale? Can it cross the hurdles laid in its path? Can it withstand the storm of difficulties that come along with it? Can love emerge victorious or would it lose its essence amidst the chaos. Embark on this journey with Daniel and Katherine to find an answer to all these questions and maybe in this voyage you too would recognise your true love.

About the author

In today’s day and age where emotions are fast losing its essence, Shreya Talwar tries to rekindle and emphasize on its significance in our lives. She has two books to her credit in the non-fiction sphere, ‘The Hidden Gems’ and ‘Weaving Emotions’ which reinforce her thoughts. Her books have received the adulation of its readers, testimony of which is her book ‘The Hidden Gems’ being acclaimed as the number one bestseller on Amazon. All the articles penned down by her are aimed at infusing positivity.
Shreya considers her mother to be her mentor who enlightens her literary pathway. Her Army background acted as an added feather to display an array of her writing skills and deep insight into human relations.