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Traditional Publishing vs Self Publishing in India


Every writer hopes that their writing will be published and turned into a book. They proceed looking for a good publishing house as a result of this. Few authors have the firm belief that they must only pursue traditional publishing or self-publishing in India. Therefore, for some naïve writers, deciding between Traditional Publishing and Self Publishing in India might be difficult. In this article we will explore Traditional Publishing vs Self Publishing in India.

To answer your doubts regarding Traditional Publishing and Self Publishing in India, it is necessary to thoroughly understand these two creatures.

Here are some considerations to consider while deciding between traditional and self-publishing in India:

  • What is the definition of traditional publishing?
  • What is self-publishing?
  • Who may opt for traditional publishing?
  • Who may choose self-publishing?
  • The Benefits and Drawbacks of Traditional Publishing and Self Publishing
  • Famous self-publishing writers

How Traditional Publishing Works?

If you want to comprehend traditional publishing in a nutshell, it implies publishing with no investment. In traditional publishing in India, the publisher does not charge the author any fees from the beginning to the finish of the publication process. All expenditures, including book cover design, book printing, editing, proofreading, sale, and promotion, are borne entirely by them.

The Top Traditional publishers in India generate money by selling more and more copies to readers. In short, the more readers they have, the more money they make. They are extremely picky; they never chose a book that they believe is not worthy or profitable. They only select novels that have a high likelihood of becoming great sellers.

Traditional Publishing Process in India

  • First, you must email them about your book, and they will respond by requesting your manuscript.
  • After acquiring a soft copy of your book, their team will read it and respond to your email to let you know whether or not your novel was chosen.
  • If your manuscript is approved, they will sign a contract with you.
  • Following that, you will be granted the first signing advance amount.
  • They will handle sales and marketing for your book.
  • You will thereafter be paid a royalty on each book sold.

Who may opt for traditional publishing?

First and foremost, getting an offer from Traditional Publishing India to publish your book is difficult since, as stated previously, their manuscript selection procedure is rigorous. Sometimes they take naive author scripts as well; if you get that chance, major kudos!

How Self Publishing in India Works?

In self publishing, the author pays the publisher to get their work published. Instead of charging for publishing. If you are going with self publishing in India, publishers provide pre defined packages having some set of services. Under this they list certain package-specific perks. They included book editing, formatting, marketing, publishing, and so on.

There are not much selection/ rejection criteria in self publishing. Self publishing is best for first time authors. A self publisher publishes all sorts of books and serve their services as required throughout your publication journey. The major goal of self-publishers is merely to publish more in order to stay competitive and obtain additional services.

In India there are numerous renowned Self Publishing firms which gives superior services to the authors. They assist their consumers from the beginning to the end of their journey. In order to self publish a book in India, simply send your manuscript to your publishers. They will commence the process after signing a contract. The whole process is carried out in accordance with your suggestions, and your book will be published within a month. If you need your book instantly, this is the best option.

There are some people like politicians, celebrities, experienced writer, news anchors etc. Who can easily collaborate with traditional publishers.

Also Read: How to Publish a Book

Who may choose for self-publishing?

Everyone has access to self-publishing opportunities. Anyone can publish a book and call themselves an author. The publishing phase is not difficult; it all depends on the package you select. People who can select Self Publishing to publish their work include consultants, doctors, lawyers, teachers etc. There work will get publish within a month. Self publishing is best if you want to have complete control over publishing process.

Traditional Publishing vs. Self Publishing in India

We’ve read a lot about traditional and self-publishing in India thus far. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of both publishing models in India to assist you.

Benefits of Traditional Publishing in India

  • Authors should not be charged.
  • Perhaps more books will be sold.
  • Traditional published writers are frequently famous.
  • They are well-versed in the topics that readers choose to read.
  • Get more editors for free from publishers.

Drawbacks of Traditional Publishing in India

  • The author’s rights are revoked
  • Traditional publication is too sluggish
  • Very competitive
  • Lower royalty fee
  • Minimal marketing support

Benefits of Self Publishing in India

  • Fast publishing process
  • High profit maker
  • The author can select the cover designs and notify them of any modifications
  • Self-published authors may keep their book visible for a long period
  • Full control over publishing process and timeline
  • Having copyright on the published book

Drawbacks of Self Publishing in India

  • Authors must pay the basic publishing cost
  • Author has to give time during publishing process
  • Limited distribution unless you invest a good amount

Famous self published writers in India

As we all know, traditional publishing in India takes a long time to choose your manuscript. It’s difficult for ordinary people to get their book published by traditional publishers. There are several well-known self published authors. Seeing them will inspire you to become a famous author like them one day.

Here is a list of some authors:

  • Adithya Iyer
  • Lisa Genova
  • Ashwin Sanghi
  • Amish Tripathi
  • Rrpi Kaur
  • Puja Mohan
  • Snehlata Agarwal
  • Shashi Tharoor
  • Aarvind Adiga
  • Kiran Desai
  • Rabindranath Tagore


After considering the benefits and drawbacks of both traditional and self publishing in India, we conclude that self publishing is the better option for a first time authors. There is little investment required, yet your book will be published in shorter time. You may design, edit, and format your book as you like with Self Publish. Obviously, if you are already settled as an author, Traditional Publishing can be a profit maker for you.

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