JUST GO AFTER : Three Magical Words That Make Things Happen!


By: Mirajj Thaker

ISBN: 9789358387476

Price: 310/-

Page: 226

Category: NON-FICTION / Selp Help

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



Are you on a “QUEST”?

Are you going through Challenges, Setbacks, Obstacles, or Failures?

Embarking on a quest, whether it’s a personal journey or a grand adventure, can present various challenges and obstacles. These challenges often serve as tests of character and determination for the individual on the quest. Remember each quest is unique, and the problems individuals face will vary depending on the quest’s specific circumstances and objectives.

This book is an epic tale of courage, self-discovery, and the unyielding spirit of an ordinary boy who had experienced the power of three magical words and made things happen as desired. It unfolds various college chronicles over a period of 6 years which conveys the fact that with a concise and diligent plan when executed with determination, one can ensure to ends up exactly where one wants to be.

This is an unfettered story of the author Mirajj Thaker which is written & and shared by the author himself with the aim of inspiring all ordinary individuals who seek to rise above the ordinary and have a successful QUEST.

Message by Author

If I can do it, you can do it too,

So, what are you waiting for?


You can connect with me directly via JUST GO AFTER social media handles.


Mirajj Thaker is a passionate Civil Engineer by profession and founder of Constructorsfeed. He has won several accolades across state and national level events in his chosen technical domain. He is a self-motivated and determined individual who seeks to rise above the ordinary. He cherishes his parents, his partner, and his journey so far, the compelling narrative of which unfolds in the pages of his debut book, Just Go After.


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